
Ss Peter and Paul’s School believes that genuine, ongoing communication between parents and teachers is essential in providing the best education for all students.

Compass School Communication App

Compass is our primary communication platform. Every parent and carer should install the app and create access for themselves to utilise this tool. Our integrated Ss Peter & Paul’s Primary School Compass app is available for download for both Apple and Android users. Compass allows parents and carers to submit absence information for their children, access whole-school and class-specific notices in real-time as they are sent out by the school, receive student Semester reports, book parent-teacher interviews and provide consent and payment for school events. 

The school posts a weekly 'What's On' for parents and carers, as well as a link to our fortnightly newsletter and other daily messages that relate to school events e.g. changes to bus arrival times from excursions, canteen updates, payment reminders, etc. 

Further information about the Compass app can be viewed below:

Please use the links below to download the relevant app for your device.:

Social Media

Our school has a Facebook and Instagram page to showcase student work and whole school activities. These act as an auxiliary communication platform to our main communication platform, Compass (see above). 


The fortnightly newsletter is uploaded onto our school app and website. If you wish to have a hard copy sent home, please notify the school.

Parent Information Nights

Parent information nights are held in Term One. Interviews can be arranged following these nights and at any other time during the year.

Formal Reporting

Formal reports are provided to parents at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Parents are encouraged to contact the school at any time about their child’s progress, achievements and learning behaviour.

Online Payments

The school utilises two apps for making payments easy:

  • The QKR app is used for canteen lunch orders, uniform orders and school fundraising.
  • The Compass app is how other school payments are made, including excursions.
  • All online school fee payments should be made via Bpay.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

In Term 1 each class conducts Parent/Teacher interviews to discuss the progress and achievements of the student and their future outcomes. Parent/Teacher interviews are booked using the conferencing system on the Compass app.